Previous Speakers and Topics*
*The Ravenna Science Cafe is presented by Science on Tap
*The Queen Anne Science Cafe was presented in partnership with KCTS Public Television, the Pacific Science Center and Science on Tap
Ravenna Science Cafe:
October 28, 2024
Will Peterman
Washington Native Bee Society
"The Pollinator Underground: Wild Bees in Unnatural Places"
September 30, 2024
Thomas Keranen
Head Brewer, Elliott Bay Brewing Co. - Burien & Craft Brewing Adjunct Instructor, South Puget Sound Community College
Chris Engdahl
Founder & Chef de Biere, Lantern Brewing
Morgan Hazard
Quality Manager, Elysian Brewing Co.
Josh Waldman
Lead Brewer, Cloudburst Brewing
Science on Tap's 20th anniversary event: a discussion on the science of brewing beer with experts from the brewing industry in Seattle
Ravenna Science Cafe:
July 29, 2024
Kevin P. Jiang
UW Deptartment of Bioengineering
"From Hospitals to Homes: How COVID Changed Modern Diagnostics"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
June 24, 2024
Monica Hinckley
Conservation Administrator, Woodland Park Zoo
"Palm Oil 101: Is your chocolate harming orangutans? How to have your cake and forests too!"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
March 25, 2024
Kim Parsons
Northwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA
"Can tiny plastics cause big problems? Detecting microplastics in the feces of endangered killer whales"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
February 26, 2024
Wendy Gibble
UW Botanic Gardens, Center for Seed Conservation
"The Mighty Potential of the Seed: Building a Conservation Legacy through Seed Banking"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
January 29, 2024
Lexi Maerz
UW BioResource Engineering
"Embracing Bioplastics: A Sustainable Alternative to Fossil Fuel-Based Plastics"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
September 25, 2023
Dawn P. Noren
Research Fishery Biologist, NOAA
"Southern Resident Killer Whale Research: where the Rubber Meets the Road for Resource Management"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
July 31, 2023
Nick Touran
Nuclear Engineer & Clean Energy Activist
"Shipping Nuclear Power out to Sea"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
June 26, 2023
Ashley Vaughan
Seattle Children's Hospital Center for Global Infectious Disease Research
"Using genetic engineering for the creation of malaria vaccine"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
March 27, 2023
John R Delaney
UW Oceanography
"Underwater Volcanoes in Our Solar System"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
February 27, 2023
John Marzluff
UW School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
"What's new in the World of Crows"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
January 30, 2023
Sam Kreling
UW School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
"Seattle urban coyotes: what we can learn & how to live with them"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
October 31, 2022
Sharlene Santana
Professor, UW Dept of Biology and Burke Museum
"Batty for Halloween: how the only flying mammals took over the night sky"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
September 26, 2022
Morris Johnson
Fire Ecologist, US Forest Service
"New lessons from Smokey the Bear: creating fire resilient landscapes"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
July 25, 2022
Jason Goldman
Infectious Diseases Physician, Swedish Medical Center
"The Houseguest Who Won't Leave: Updates on Long COVID"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
June 27, 2022
Miles Currie
Virtual Planetary Laboratory, University of Washington
"Searching for Life in a Pixel: The Challenge of Exoplanet Astrobiology"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
March 28, 2022
Daniel Liebling
Google Research
"The Babel fish: from Hitchhiker's Guide to Reality -- How Computers Translate Human Language"
Speaker abstract and bio
Ravenna Science Cafe:
February 28, 2022
Milton Tam
Puget Sound Mycological Society
"The Fungus Among Us: Fungi, Mushrooms, and their Simple Home Cultivation"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
October 25, 2021
Edward Kolodziej
Civil and Environmental Engineering, UW
"Car Tires, Fish, and Waters"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
September 27, 2021
Linda Venczel and Troy Leader
Global Health Security, PATH
"From bats to wastewater: strengthening our global warning systems to improve detection of emerging zoonotic pathogens like COVID-19"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Feb 24th 2020
Hosted by Valerie Bentivegna
Geeky Comedy Seattle
Science Comedy Showcase: the humorous side of research
Ravenna Science Cafe:
January 27, 2020
Ali Arjomand
Founder - Modulla Health
"Diet wars: Tribes and heretics on my plate. Translating nutrition science to individual health and well-being"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Oct 28th 2019
Clare Meeker
Children's Book Author
"Growing Up Gorilla: What Happened When a New Mother Walked Away From Her Baby"
for more about the author and her new book "Growing up Gorilla"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Sep 30th 2019
James Girton
Principal Oceanographer and Affiliate Assistant Professor, Applied Physics Laboratory, UW
"Drifting and gliding into the unknown: An autonomous exploration under Antarctica's floating ice shelves"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Aug 26th 2019
Dottie Metcalf-Lindenburger
Retired Astronaut, NASA and Geologist, Geosyntec Consultants
"From Rocks to Rockets"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Jul 29th 2019
Phil Swan
Aquaring Energy
"Quenching Humanity's Thirst for 24/7 Clean Energy"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Jun 24th 2019
John Crocker
Family Physician and Author
"My Adventures Among Wild Chimpanzees: Lessons from our Closest Relatives"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Apr 29th 2019
Sean Gibbons
Assistant Professor, Institute for Systems Biology
"A gut feeling: how microbiome impacts human health"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Mar 25th 2019
Jessica Cross
Oceanographer, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
"Ocean Acidification in Alaska: Ecosystems and Economies"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Feb 25th 2019
Ryan Kelly
School of Marine and Environmental Affairs, University of Washington
"Emerging Science at the Intersection of Ecology, Genetics and Policy"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Nov 26 2018
Jeff Duda
"Floodplains of dreams in the Elwha River: if you remove it, will they come?"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Oct 29th 2018
Jill Johnsen
Bloodworks Northwest, Research Institute
"Blood, sweat, and tears: genetics of blood type"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Sept 24th 2018
Lea Starita
UW Department of Genomic Sciences; Brotman Baty Institute
"Using CRISPR to Advance Precision Medicine"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Aug 27th 2018
Daniel Ratner
Dept. of Bioengineering, University of Washington
"Engineering Medicine with Sugar and Light "
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Jul 30th 2018
Sarah Stroup
Associate Professor of Classics, University of Washington
"Robots, Space Exploration, Death Rays, Brain Surgery, and Nanotechnology: STEM(M) in the Ancient World"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Jun 25th 2018
Abhi Nath
UW Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Alzheimer's Research: Watching Proteins Misbehave - One Molecule at a Time!"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Apr 30th 2018
Marsha Wheeler
Beekeeper and Postdoc, University of Washington
"Growing up in the hive: stories of honey bee aging and behavior"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Mar 26th 2018
Miklos Guttman
UW Department of Medicinal Chemistry
"The Difficulties of Developing An Effective HIV Vaccine"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Feb 26th 2018
Fran Solomon
Adjunct Professor, Western Washington University, Huxley College of the Environment on the Peninsulas
"Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals in Personal Care Products: Health Impacts and How to Reduce Exposures"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Jan 29th 2018
Carl Ostberg
Research Fish Biologist, USGS
"Fishing for environmental DNA (eDNA): a new
frontier for detecting and monitoring aquatic species"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Nov 27th 2017
Katherine Cook
Creative Director, Math for Love
"The Math Education Revolution"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Oct 30th 2017
Mouse Reusch
Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN) at the University of Washington
"Earthquake Early Warning: Letting ya know before we rock and roll!"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Sept 25th 2017
Rachel Pepper
William D. and Flora McCormick Chair in Biophysics, University of Puget Sound
"Water quality enhancement, bioremediation, and how we can protect our water"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
August 28th 2017
Joel Thornton
Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, UW
"From Ship Exhaust to Pine Forests: Weather and Climate Effects of Atmospheric Nano-particles"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
July 31st 2017
Brian Whiting
Environmental Studies Program, Seattle University
"Mapping the impact of racism in Seattle: Have we moved past it?"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
June 26th 2017
Luke Timmerman
Biotech Journalist and Author
"Hood: Trailblazer of the Genomics Age"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
April 24th 2017
Rachel White
University of Washington's Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean
"Going to Extremes: Is it Climate Change or Just Bad Weather"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
March 27th 2017
Lessana Lahner
Executive Director and Veterinarian, Sealife Response, Rehab, and Research
"Wet Wildlife Medicine: The Science and Rehabilitation of Marine Animals in the Salish Sea"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
February 27th 2017
Steven de Jesus-Carrion
Benaroya Research Institute
"We Are at War: New Promising Target to Help Us Win the War Against Colorectal Cancer"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
January 30th 2017
Philip Swan
The Atlantis Project
"Space Infrastructure: Ferries are to Bridges as Rockets are to what?"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
November 28th 2016
James Winton
Chief, Fish Health Section, USGS Western Fisheries Research Center
"Now It's the Fish - Human Drivers of Infectious Disease in the Aquatic World"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
October 31st 2016
John Marzluff
School of Envrionmental and Forest Sciences, UW
"A Flying Murder: Get to Know your Crows"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
September 26th 2016
SoT's 12th Anniversary Event
A science story slam -- 6 storytellers speaking on the subject of "science" featuring: Bryan Callahan, Margaret Friedman, Marissa Konstadt, Gretchen Meller, Jeffrey Reid, and Angela Thyer
Ravenna Science Cafe:
August 29th 2016
Todd Cloutier
US Navy, retired
"Nuclear Power and Climate Change
Ravenna Science Cafe:
July 25th 2016
Steve Olson
Freelance Writer
"The Untold Story of Mt. St Helen's"
Find a review of the book here
Ravenna Science Cafe:
June 27th 2016, 7pm
Tony Marfin
Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine Projects Director, PATH
"Zika Virus, Introduction of Yet Another Mosquito-Borne Virus to the Americas"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
April 25th 2016
M. Rebecca O'Connor
Assistant Professor, Family and Child Nursing, University of Washington School of Nursing
"Who's Missing in Research and Why It Matters: low research participation among vulnerable populations leads to health inequities and further disparities"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
March 28th 2016
Zachary Brown
Stanford University and Inian Island Institute
"A Trip North: Researching Arctic Climate and Working for Change in Alaska"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
February 29th 2016
David Sommerfeld
Senior Lecturer at the University of Washington, Bothell
"The mystery of the tiger tooth necklace: the role of chemistry in anthropology"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
January 25th 2016
Steven Gilbert
Institute of Neurotoxicology & Neurological Disorders
"Touching the brain, stimulating nerves in Parkinson's Disease "
Ravenna Science Cafe:
November 30th 2015
Joshua J. Lawler
Denman Professor of Sustainable Resource Sciences, UW School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
"Will animals be able to keep pace with climate change?"
Presented in conjunction with NOVA Science Now - Making North America
Ravenna Science Cafe:
October 26th 2015, 7pm
Eashwar Thiagarajan
Principal Electrical Design Engineer, Cypress Semiconductor
"Design Engineering: Translating Real World Analog Inputs to Digital Codes - an Introduction"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
September 28th 2015
Stephanie Gianarelli & Lora Shahine
Acupuncture NW and Pacific NW Fertility and IVF Specialists
"Planting the Seeds of Pregnancy: Fertility Methods from Eastern and Western Medicine"
For more information on their book
Ravenna Science Cafe:
August 31st 2015
Janice Connolly
Palliative Care Medical Director, Chief of Staff Elect, Swedish Medical Center
"Transforming Healthcare with Palliative Care: What is it and who is it good for?"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
July 27th 2015
Laura Taylor
UW Departmentment of Medicine, Gerontology Division
"ALS and Alzheimer's: two different diseases, one common mechanism of progression"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
June 29th 2015
Ben Waters
UW Department of Electrical Engineering and CEO of WiBotic Inc.
"Adaptive Wireless Power for Hearts and Robots"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
April 27th 2015
Sabrina Kamran
UW Department of Pharmacology
"Prescription Addiction: Perspective into the Addiction of Legal and Illegal Drug Use"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
March 30th 2015
Ingrid Swanson Pultz
Institute for Protein Design, University of Washington
"Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance: The Myths, The Reality, and Hope for a Treatment"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
February 26th 2015, 7pm
Tim Dardis
Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington
"A pile of problems in marine construction: Ecological impacts of pile driving and sound solutions"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
January 26th 2015, 7PM
Christine McKinley
Author and Senior Construction Project Manager at Providence Health
"Physics for Rock Stars: a guided tour of the physical world in everyday life"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
October 27th 2014
Sally James
Science and Medical Writer
"Big power in small words: Using cartoon #upgoer language"
Sally James' website
Ravenna Science Cafe:
Science on Tap 10th Anniversary Month
Monday, Sept 8th at 7pm: "History of Science Cafes" - Gretchen Meller
Monday, Sept 15th at 7pm: "A Most Complex Epidemic: the 2014 Ebola Outbreak" - Ann Marie Kimball
Monday, Sept 22th at 7pm: Science Pub Trivia Night with special SoT prizes
Monday, Sept 29th at 7pm: "Directions to the Nearest Alien Earth-Sized Planet: Walk from the Space Needle to Pike Place Market" - Sarah Ballard
Ravenna Science Cafe:
July 28th 2014
Fabio Parmeggiani
UW Molecular Engineering and Sciences
"The art of protein masonry: engineering proteins as building blocks for materials, diagnostics and therapeutics"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
June 30th 2014
John Incardona
Research Toxicologist, Northwest Fisheries Science Center
"The impact of coal dust in marine and land environments"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
April 28th 2014
Sara Jane Webb
UW Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Seattle Children's Research Institute
"Do girls get autism? Sex differences in autism prevalence, genetics, clinical presentation"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
March 31st 2014
Daniel Zak
Seattle BioMed Principal Scientist
"To be TB or not to be TB?" Presented in conjunction with Seattle Biomed's World TB Day Program
Ravenna Science Cafe:
February 24th 2014
Jonathan J. Calede
University of Washington Department of Biology and Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture
"Fossils of the Pacific Northwest: Evidence of mammal evolution"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
January 27th 2014
Jaki (Jacqueline) Braggin
University of Washington/Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
"Drifting and Shifting: How the Influenza Virus Keeps Us Guessing"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
October 28th 2013
Patrick Stayton
Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington
"Engineering Smart Molecules for Smarter Biotechnologies: New Therapeutics and Diagnostics from Smart Materials"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
September 30th 2013
Alexis Kaushansky
Seattle BioMed
"New approaches to eliminating malaria: clues from cancer"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
August 26th 2013
Eric Agol
Associate Professor of Astronomy, University of Washington
"How to find an Earth-like planet"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
July 29th 2013
Alan Diercks
Seattle Biomedical Research Institute
"Pandemic and Potentially Pandemic Influenza Viruses"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
June 24th 2013
Rachael Tatman
Department of Linguistics, University of Washington
"Hearing voices: How we hear and understand speech"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
April 29th 2013
Scott Emerson
Professor of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Washington
Clinical Trials - "Finding New Treatments for Old (and New) Diseases by Experimenting on Humans: Who (and What) Should We Trust?"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
March 25th 2013
Rika Anderson
Oceanography Department and Astrobiology Program at the University of Washington
"Hydrothermal Vents - Wonders of the Deep: Life in the Ocean's Darkest Corners"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
February 25th 2013
Jonathan Himmelfarb
Director, Kidney Research Institute/University of Washington
"Kidney on a Chip: the new Science of Drug Discovery"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
January 28th 2013
Trevor Branch
Assistant Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington
"How many fish can we catch?"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
November 26th 2012
Ray Hilborn
Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington
"The environmental cost of dinner: eating fish and alternatives"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
October 29th 2012
Cliff Mass
University of Washington Professor of Atmospheric Sciences
"Why Weather Forecasts are Getting Better"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
September 24th 2012
Karl Koscher
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington
"Computer Security and the Modern Car"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
August 27th 2012
Sara Shores
University of Washington Camp Arborist
"The Fungus among us: What's up with Dutch Elm Disease?"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
July 30th 2012
Jay Shendure
University of Washington, Department of Genome Sciences
"Not your mother's genome: Non-invasive whole genome sequencing of a human fetus"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
June 25th 2012
Matt Shortridge and Raychelle Burks
University of Washington, Depts of Biochemitry and Chemistry
"Getting better with age: exploring the chemistry of barreling whiskey"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
April 30th 2012
Linda Zuckerman
President, ProFibrix, Inc.
ProFibrix: A Leader in Bioactive Products to Stop Bleeding
Ravenna Science Cafe:
March 26th 2012
David Sherman
Tuberculosis Program Lead, Seattle BioMed
"Totally Tenacious Tuberculosis: emerging evidence about totally drug resistant TB and what it means for global health"
Presented in conjunction with Seattle Biomed's World TB Day Program
Ravenna Science Cafe:
February 27th 2012
Chris Linder
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution & International League of Conservation Photographers
Science on Ice: how scientists survive and thrive in the polar regions
More information, and this speaker's book, can be found here
Ravenna Science Cafe:
January 30th 2012
Eric Legally
Founder, Legally Consulting
"Microfluidics: from Jell-o to diagnosing disease"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
November 28th 2011
Clinical Veterinarian
Drug Safety and Animal Research No safe alternatives
Queen Anne Science Cafe:
November 1st 2011
Jake VanderPlas
University of Washington
"Gravity: A Lens to the Universe"
Queen Anne Science Cafe:
October 4th 2011
Daniel Burgard
University of Puget Sound Department of Chemistry
"What's in your tailpipe: why gases are of concern and how they differ with different types of vehicles"
Ravenna Science on Tap:
September 26th 2011
Raychelle Burks
Research Associate, UW Department of Chemistry
"Using chemistry to survive the zombie apocalypse"
Queen Anne Science Cafe:
September 6th 2011
Christof Koch
Chief Scientific Officer, Allen Institute for Brain Science
"The Science of Consciousness"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
August 29th 2011
Theresa Britschgi
Seattle BioMed Bioquest Program
Visualizing Global Health with Dramatic Data
Queen Anne Science Cafe:
August 2nd 2011
Julia Parrish
Associate Director, Aquatic & Fisheries Sciences, UW
COASSTal Citizen Science
Ravenna Science Cafe:
July 25th 2011
Dana L. Miller
UW Department of Biochemistry
"Genes and the environment: How your surrounding influence who you are"
Queen Anne Science Cafe:
July 5th 2011
Charles Finkel
Founder and President of The Pike Brewing Company
"Louis Pasteur and the Science of Making Beer"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
June 27th, 2011
Samuel R. Browd
Assistant Professor of Neurological Surgery, UW and Director of the Hydrocephalus Program Seattle Children's Hospital
"Disruptive medical innovation: The perfect union of bioengineering and neurosurgery"
Queen Anne Science Cafe:
June 7th 2011
Ashley Vaughan
Senior Scientist, Seattle Biomed
"Why do we need a malaria vaccine?"
Queen Anne Science Cafe:
May 3rd 2011
Blaise Aguera y Arcas
"Building a Collective Digital World"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
April 25th 2011
Andy McShea
Chief Operating Officer and Chief Scientist, Theo Chocolate
"This year in Chocolate: Science and Current Events from the Crazy world of Cocoa"
Queen Anne Science Cafe:
April 5th 2011
Kim Woodrow
Department of Bioengineering at the University of Washington
"Nanomaterials for HIV prevention"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
March 28th 2011
Dan Ratner
UW Dept. of Bioengineering
"A Fantastic Voyage into Nanotechnology: There's Still Plenty of Room at the Bottom"
Queen Anne Science Cafe:
March 1st 2011
Thea Cooper
Co-author of Breakthrough: Elizabeth Hughes, the Discovery of Insulin, and the Making of a Medical Miracle
"The Discovery of Insulin: Lifting the Death Sentence of Diabetes"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
February 28th 2011
Mark Moore
Director, Northwest Avalanche and Weather Center
"Understanding Avalanches: Every Snowpack Tells a Story"
Queen Anne Science Cafe:
February 1st 2011
Alex B. Berezow
Editor of
"Genetic Modification:an Innovation for Good?"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
January 31st 2011
Stan Fields
Departments of Genome Sciences and Medicine, University of Washington; Co-author
"Genetic Twists of Fate"
"Inside the Genetic Revolution: real-life stories, explaining our personal DNA codes; how a few differences make us unique; and how they influence our appearance, our behavior, and our risk for disease"
Queen Anne Science Cafe:
January 4th 2011
Brian Flinn
Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Washington
"Make It, Break It, Make It Better: New Materials For Cars And Spacecraft"
Queen Anne Science Cafe:
December 7th 2010
Sarah Gaichas and Chris Harvey
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
"Marine ecosystems science and management from Alaska to Puget Sound"
Ravenna Science Cafe:
November 29th 2010
Tyler D. Robinson
Astronomy Department & Astrobiology Program, University of Washington
"A Cornucopia of Worlds: Extrasolar Planets and the Search for Life Beyond Earth"
Queen Anne Science Cafe:
October 2nd 2010
Tadayoshi Kohno
University of Washington Computer Security Lab
"Keeping Technology Secure"
Presented in partnership between the Pacific Science Center, KCTS Public Television and Science on Tap
Ravenna Location:
October 25th 2010
Rachel Mitchell
School of Forest Resources, University of Washington
"A Global Shop of Horrors: Invasive Plants in an Era of Change"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
October 5th 2010
Brian Atwater
USGS and University of Washington Department of Earth & Space Sciences
"The Orphan Tsunami of 1700"
Ravenna Location:
September 27th 2010, 7pm
Joshua Bandfield
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, UW
"A tour of familiar and alien landscapes on Mars: Using spacecraft
images to understand the processes that shape the Martian surface"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
September 7th 2010
Stefanie Iverson Cabral
University of Washington Department of Medicine
"The Tiny Bacterial Pathogen that Packs a lot of Might"
Ravenna Location:
August 30th 2010
Matt Bachmann
U.S. Geological Survey
"Climate Change and the Cost of Beer: Why Groundwater Will Dictate Your Bar Tab"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
August 3rd 2010
Steven Gilbert
Institute of Neurotoxicology & Neurological Disorders
"Oil Dispersants: Our Right to Know"
Ravenna Location:
July 26th 2010
Monica Lake
Capital Projects Manager, Woodland Park Zoo
"Building a living exhibit: the new penguin habitat at the Woodland Park Zoo"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
July 6th 2010
Kristin Laidre
Research Scientist, University of Washington Polar Science Center
"Uncovering the Mysteries of the Narwhal(unicorn whale)"
Ravenna Location:
June 28th 2010
Arian Smit
Institute for Systems Biology
"Genomics 101: the first whole genome sequencing of a family, and how it affects future scientific research"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
June 1st 2010
Andy McShea
Chief Operating Officer and Head Scientist at Theo Chocolate
"Unlock the Secrets of Dark Chocolate"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
May 4th 2010
Clifford Mass
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington
"Great windstorms of the Pacific Northwest"
Ravenna Location:
April 26th 2010
Steve Malone
Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth & Space Sciences, UW
" "The Puget Sound Magnitude 6.5 earthquake of summer 2010 that no one will feel.""
Lower Queen Anne Location:
April 6th 2010
Brittany Brand
Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington
"Mt. St. Helens, 30 years after the blast"
Ravenna Location:
March 29th, 2010
Alan Boyle
Author of The Case for Pluto and Science Editor at MSNBC
"The Case for Dwarf Planets: Diversity in the Search for Other Worlds."
Lower Queen Anne Location:
March 2nd 2010
Ruanne Barnabas
Infectious Diseases Fellow, University of Washington
"Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases: Tools for plotting Epidemics"
Ravenna Location:
February 22nd 2010
Charles Chavkin
Department of Pharmacology, University of Washington
"How does stress increase your risk of addiction? - a neuroscience perspective"
Presented in Conjunction with the Pacific Cascade Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience
Lower Queen Anne Location:
February 2nd 2010
Marcela Ewert
School of Oceanography and Astrobiology, University of Washington
"Arctic microbes: living in a frozen ocean"
Ravenna Location:
January 25th 2010
Shawn Domagal-Goldman
Virtual Planetary Laboratory; University of Washington - Astronomy Department
"Cylons and Smelloscopes: False Positives and False Negatives in the Search for Extraterrestrial Life"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
January 5th 2010, 7:30pm
Joshua Bandfield
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, UW
"Mars - A Tour of Familiar and Alien Landscapes on the Red Planet"
Ravenna Location:
November 30th 2009
Nitin Baliga
Institute for Systems Biology
Rewiring Circuits of Life for Bioremediation* and Bioenergy
*Bioremediation is any process that uses microorganisms, fungi, green plants or their enzymes to return the natural environment altered by contaminants to its original condition. (from Wikipedia)
Lower Queen Anne Location:
November 3rd 2009
Alice Enevoldsen
Planetarium Specialist, Pacific Science Center
"2012: The Movie, the Astronomy, the Hoax"
Ravenna Location:
October 26th 2009, 7pm
James Porter
Medical Director of Robotics, Swedish Medical Center
"Robot-assisted surgery: the past, present and future"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
October 6th 2009
Russell Maguire
The Boeing Company
"Nanotechnology in Commercial Airplanes"
Ravenna Location:
September 28th 2009
John Sahr
UW Electrical Engineering
"Sound Garden: a radar odyssey through the Northern Lights"
Queen Anne Location:
September 1st 2009
Alan Diercks
Sr. Research Scientist, Institute for Systems Biology
"A Systems Biology Approach to Studying Influenza (including Swine Flu)"
Ravenna Location:
August 31st 2009
Fran Solomon
Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia and The Evergreen State College Tacoma
"Toxic Chemicals and Hormone Disruption: Reproductive Health Effects in Fish, Frogs, and People"
Ravenna Location:
July 27th 2009
Allison Coffin & Kelly Owens
Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center, University of Washington
"Using fish to cure hearing loss"
Ravenna Location:
June 29th 2009
Greg Foltz
Swedish Neuroscience Institute
"Brain cancer in the Pacific Northwest: an inside perspective 'gene by gene' by one of the region's leading neurosurgeons"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
June 2nd 2009
Rick Keil
University of Washington; Fleming Professor of Undergraduate Education; School of Oceanography
"Using a Volunteer-Based Sampling Network to Evaluate Cooking Spices and Chemicals in the Puget Sound"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
May 5th 2009
Jim Thomson
University of Washington Applied Physics Lab
"The Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center: Projects and Goals"
Ravenna Location:
April 27th 2009
Lee Adams
Summit Science Consultants
Antibody Development for Human Therapy
Lower Queen Anne Location:
April 7th, 2009
Gary Lagerloef
Senior Scientist and President of Earth & Space Research
"Climate Research in the Space Age"
Ravenna Location:
March 30th 2009
Steve Malone
Retired Director of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, UW
"Early Warning for the Next Great Cascadia Earthquake"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
March 3rd 2009
Dr. Adam Frank
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester
"End of the Beginning: Before the Big Bang in Cosmology, Mythology and the Science vs. Religion Debate "
Ravenna Location:
February 23rd 2009
Leonard Ruff
Director, Callison Architect and Design Firm
"Making the Internet Green: How to Build Sustainable Data Centers"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
February 3rd 2009
Dana L. Miller
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
"Buying Time With Suspended Animation"
Ravenna Location:
January 26th 2009
Alan Diercks
Sr. Research Scientist, Institute for Systems Biology
"Systems Biology Approaches to Understanding Influenza Infection"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
January 6th 2009
Bruce Balick
Professor of Astronomy. U.W. and PSC Foundation
"Hubble Space Telescope and the Transformation of Modern Astronomy"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
December 2nd 2008
Laura Koutsky
Professor of Epidemiology, University of Washington
"The Pros and Cons of HPV
Ravenna Location:
November 24th 2008
Paul Yager
Dept of Bioengineering, University of Washington
"Development of diagnostic tools for the developing world--a Seattle story"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
November 5th 2008
Michael Von Korff and Diana E. H. Birkett
Group Health Cooperative
"Health Care Policy: What to Expect from the New Administration"
Ravenna Location:
October 27th 2008
Ted White
Seattle Biomedical Research Institute
"New and re-emerging Infectious diseases:what's new? what's hot? what's not? what do you got?"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
October 7th 2008
David Boose
Evolutionary Biologist and Professor at Gonzaga University
What can evolution tell us about God? a presentation to highlight Lucys Legacy: The Hidden Treasures of Ethiopia at PSC
Ravenna Location:
September 29th 2008
Phil Hurvitz
Geographic Information Scientist, University of Washington
"Where Y'at? An Introduction to Global Positioning Systems (GPS)"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
September 2nd 2008
Mick Spillanet
UW Joint Institute for the Study of Atmosphere and Ocean (JISAO)
"Tsunamis : Detection and a Model-Based, Real-Time Warning System
Ravenna Location:
August 25th 2008
Karen Hedine
President & CEO, Micronics
"Diagnosing Preventable Diseases: Bridging global health needs with 21st
century technologies in order to provide timely patient care"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
August 5th 2008
Ted Nugent, Jr.
"The Space Elevator"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
July 1st 2008
Yoky Matsuoka
Associate Professor of Computer Science & Engineering,
University of Washington
"Merging Robotics and Neuroscience"
Ravenna Location:
April 28th 2008
Peter Myler
Principal Investigator, Seattle Biomedical Research Institute
"Structural Genomics and Infectious Disease"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
April 1st 2008
Steve Gilbert
Institute of Neurotoxicology and Neurological Disorders, and Director of Toxipedia
"Pushing the Boundaries of Best: Sports Performance Enhancement using Steroids, B12, and Epoetin."
For more information about Toxipedia
Ravenna Location:
March 31st 2008
Robert A. Brown
UW Department of Atmospheric Sciences
"Earth science satellites and their contribution to weather and climate
models (and why they have become political)"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
March 4th 2008
Tom Ackerman
Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington
"Global Warming: Its the water and a lot more"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
February 5th 2008
Tom Pratt
US Geological Survey
"Seattle Fault: the Crack in Seattle's Basement"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
January 8th 2008
Marshall S. Horwitz
University of Washington School of Medicine
"Tracking Stem Cells with Mutations: The Family Tree within You"
Lower Queen Anne Location:
December 4th 2007
Jeffrey S. Duchin
Chief of the
Communicable Disease Epidemiology & Immunization
Section of Public Health - Seattle & King County
"A perspective on MRSA and other multi-drug resistant organisms"
Slides from this talk
Lower Queen Anne Location:
November 14th 2007
Carl Bergstrom
Associate Professor, Department of Biology, UW
"An Evolutionary Biologist's Perspective on Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial"
October 29th 2007
Joshua Tewksbury
Department of Biology, University of Washington
"The Biological Impacts of Climate Change: trouble in the
Download the video of this talk(wmv format, ~150MB)
August 27th 2007
Gerard Cangelosi
Associate Member, Seattle Biomedical Research Institute
"Understanding tuberculosis, XDR-TB, and Godzilla: A guide for modern
city dwellers"
Download the video of this talk(wmv format, ~100MB)
July 30th 2007
Eddie Bernard
Director, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, NOAA
"The 3 things you need to know about tsunamis"
June 25th 2007
Blake Hannaford
Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington
"Biorobotics: can robots restore the house call to the practice of medicine?"
Download the video of this talk(wmv format, ~180MB)
May 21st 2007
Kristina Adams
UW Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
"The Human Chimera: how fetal cells trafficking across the placenta can persist in the mother long-term and contribute to health and disease"
Download the video of this talk(wmv format, ~60MB)
April 30th 2007
Peter Vitaliano
UW Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
"Stress, Aging and the Effects on our Body: is Caregiving Hazardous to Your
Download the video of this talk(wmv format, ~55MB)
August 28th 2006
Michael J. Laine
President, LiftPort Group
"Nanotubes, Robotics and How to Climb to space"
More information
July 24 2006
Minas Tanielian
Boeing Phantom Works
"Metamaterials & Cloaking Devices: Bringing Star Trek Techonology to Life"
More information on this talk
June 26th 2006
Frank Forencich
Chief Creative Officer, GoAnimal
"Life in our alien environment: what human evolution tells us about health and physical fitness in the modern world"
More information on this talk
May 22nd 2006
Peter D. Ward
UW Departments of Paleontology, Biology and Astronomy
"Life as We Do Not Know It: The NASA Search for Alien Life"
April 24th 2006
Beverly Pierson, PhD
Professor Emerita, Biology Dept, University of Puget Sound
"Extreme Life: Creatures that breach the barriers to our existence"
March 27th 2006
Eric Stuve, moderator
Chair, UW Department of Chemical Engineering
"Fuel Cell Trivia in the Pub...with a Twist of Science"
Presented in association with Sigma Xi
and NOVA scienceNOW
February 27th 2006
Diana Gordon, MAT and Steve Gordon, MD
Oregon Health Sciences University
"Science, Pseudoscience, and Medical Quackery"
More information on this talk
November 28th 2005
Dr. Noel Weiss
Cancer Epidemiologist, UW Dept. of Epidemiology
"A Layman's Guide to Interpreting Health
Reports in the Media"
Presented in Conjunction with FOSEP
October 24th 2005
Greg Bear
Science Fiction Author
"The Darwin Code: Intelligent Design without God"
For more about author Greg Bear
August 29th 2005
Bill McNeely
Boeing Phantom Works
"Celebrating 100 Years of Einstein's Special Relativity"
July 25th 2005
Michael Laine
President of the Liftport Group
"The Science behind Building the Space Elevator"
What is a Space Elevator?
June 27th 2005
Keith Kegley
Director of Emerging Market Services and Platform Strategy, Microsoft Corporation
"Culture Jamming Frequencies: Becoming a Pirate Broadcaster"
May 23rd 2005
Dr. C. Anthony Blau
Director, University of Washington Stem Cell Center
"Stem Cells, Around the World and on Your Block"
Presented in association with the April NOVA special
April 25th 2005
Dr. Bernard Hallet
Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington
"Understanding the Himalayas"
March 28th 2005
Dr. Susan Okie
Contributing Editor, New England Journal of Medicine
"Fed Up! Winning the War Against Childhood Obesity"
See the book website
February 28th 2005
Dr. William Calvin
University of Washington School of Medicine
"The Good News About Bad Climate Flips"
Read more about this talk
Presented in association with the January NOVA special scienceNOW
January 31st 2005
Dr. Steve Gilbert
Institute of Neurotoxicology and Neurological Disorders
"A Small Dose of Toxicology"
Read more about this topic.
November 29th 2004
Dr. Alan Weiner
Department of Biochemistry, University of Washington
"Of Genomes, Chromosomes, and Genetic Disease"
October 25th 2004
Dr. Craig Hogan
Vice Provost for Research, University of Washington
"Big Bang, Black Holes, and Beyond"
October 19th 2004
David Brin
Science Fiction Author
"A World Filled With Cameras: Security at the Cost of Freedom? Or Can We Have Both?"
September 13th 2004
Dr. Eric Adelberger
Center for Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics at the University of Washington
"Gravity, Extra Dimensions and Dark Energy--What in the world is going on?"